Everything is different now
Last night my ex roommate’s son surprised me by showing up to pick up the last two boxes of things he had left behind.
I was doing laundry and there he was, in the other half of my apartment that isn’t…..apartment.
He didn’t want to bother me so he just knocked on the door upstairs and they let him in. Wasn’t sure I’d be here.
I ask how he is.
“Everything is different now.” He says.
I hug him, tell him I missed him, and that he is always welcome here.
He is staying with his gfs family now.
I did not ask about her, nor did he say anything. Just the way I wanted it.
After all, I have ghosted her and have moved on. Even threw out or donated all that she left behind save what is in the attic.
My landlord and his family were gracious as always, and he left with his boxes and with he and I on good terms.
Told him not to be a stranger.
I hope he won’t be.
Everything is different, indeed.
I felt a vibe of his being stressed, strained, and that all is clearly not well now that I’ve dumped and kicked out his cheating mother.
Yet….she is still his mother, and I feel for the kid.
Everything is different.
Thanks to his mother, they are indeed.