Happy 9th Birthday Tuck-Man!
Another all original story!
What am I, a blogger?
Sort of. Sort of.
Anyway, this week’s blog is all about Tucker.
The Tuck-Man.
Tuck-Man the Duck Man.
This coming Monday, the 11th, is Tucker’s 9th birthday.
As with most shelter cats, I can’t tell you when his EXACT birthday is, but I’ve pin-pointed it as best as I could to July 11th, 2013.
He’s my cat, I can make such decisions.
To say he’s an amazing cat is a gross understatement.
This boy quite literally saved my life.
When I was at my lowest, when I would lie awake at night, fighting the urge to end my life, fighting the urge to calm the swirling emotions and thoughts that plagued my brain as a result of…..HER….Tucker just KNEW.
He would lay across my chest, and put his face on my face, and purr.
Not just purr, he would coo-purr. You cat people know what I mean.
There he would stay, rubbing my face with his.
No matter where I was, it would instantly snap me out of it, made me smile, cry a little, and I would find the will to carry on.
All that for simply rescuing him from shelter life, the only life he knew until I met him?
I suppose.
So, to my Tuck-Man, I say Happy 9th Birthday, and here’s to many many more together.
I’ll never be able to thank you enough for what you did to save me from the brink.
Thank you Little Shelter for bringing this amazing boy into my life.