Meet Taylor Zim!

Shelter Cats
5 min readMar 25, 2023


We interrupt our regular blogger re-blogs for BREAKING NEWS!

See? If MSNBC can do it all the time, so can I.

Well, it’s BREAKING NEWS to all my readers on here anyway.

I present to you, my new foster cat….


Yes, foster.

Really, a foster.

I’m going to REALLY try not to foster fail this time.

Can’t promise I will fail, but I will do my best. He’s going to be with me for quite a while, so I don’t have to make any decisions by the end of this blog.


Here’s Part One of Taylor’s story, and how he got the name of Taylor Zim.

Taylor is 13, and came to me by way of a local non-profit animal rescue group appropriately called Alley Katz.

Taylor’s original name was Zimbabwe.

What is it with cats I end up with that have odd names?

Tucker was Ronald.

Sophie was….Mama.

Tiger was Billy Crystal for fuck sake.


Taylor, as Zimbabwe, lived with his brother Prince and another brother and had a home somewhere in Manhattan.

All I know is that at some point last month, or thereabouts, their owner died, and the super of the building they were living in kicked Taylor and his brothers out into the cold.

Found huddled together by a good samaritan, they were brought to NYC Animal Care and Control, NYC ACC for the rest of this story.

Now…..sigh…..I have A LOT of opinions on NYC ACC, as I’ve tried to save two other seniors from their clutches, failing both times to get to the cats in time.

Since I don’t want this blog to go off the rails into an extended rant, which discussing NYC ACC can easily do, let’s just say……I don’t have a high opinion of their ability to properly find these cats homes.

TL/DR: any cat that ends up at NYC ACC, through no fault of their own will likely be sent across the Rainbow Bridge faster than you can say Rainbow Bridge.

Case in point: one of Taylor’s brothers crossed the Rainbow Bridge, apparently too ill.

Taylor and his surviving brother, Prince were separated and put into their own cages at ACC. Having never actually visited NYC ACC, I cannot imagine how stressful it must be for any cat, much less a 13 year old that just lost his home and his only world.

Taylor struggled.

Taylor withdrew.

Taylor did not respond to whatever stupid bullshit they tried on him to determine if he was adoptable. Don’t get me started.

Taylor and his brother were put on the euthanasia list.

Taylor and Prince were deemed unadoptable unless they could be put into a foster situation.

Taylor and Prince needed to get the fuck out of feline Alcatraz and into a home situation ASAP or they weren’t going to make it.

Here’s where I come in.

My dear friend tagged me in a Facebook post by a local rescue group, Alley Katz, that offered to sponsor Taylor and Prince should someone be able to take them in, even temporarily.

After a quick discussion with Sophie, Tucker, Mona, and Vance, I reached out to Alley Katz.

I had to save them.

Fucking HAD TO.

Life has been good to me since I kicked out El Cheato and ditched all the dead weight of that miserable life.

I had to pay it forward and save these two seniors and give them a chance.

Fucking. HAD. TO.

After a quick phone call and a FaceTime tour of my home, a plan was in motion.

Taylor and Prince were pulled from ACC the next day and brought to a local vet for analysis, and to be neutered.

They weren’t neutered?


Don’t get me started.

Taylor checked out and got neutered and had some dental done, mostly involving the removal of some teeth (common in older cats) and pulled through very nicely.

Prince was not so lucky. Just days after getting safely out of NYC ACC Prince’s failing heart gave out and he crossed the Rainbow Bridge.

Taylor was now the only survivor.

The Barry Gibb of his group.

This fact broke my heart.

Yet, Taylor was OK, eating, using his box, recovering nicely, and was ready to leave the vet and come to me this past Saturday afternoon..

Yes, I had settled on the name Taylor Zim.

Taylor because it reminded me of Tyler, my first and greatest cat.

Zim so he would have at least a little of his strange former name.

Thus….Taylor Zim.

A transport was arranged, and Taylor was cleared to leave the vet and start his new life with me!

Taylor Zim was coming to live with me and my gang of felines!

Stay tuned for Part Two, still in progress, to see how Taylor is adjusting to life in a stable home.

Until then, wish Taylor Zim some luck!



Shelter Cats

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