Tyler Sitting Funny!
Nineteen years ago next month, I took what became THE famous….
Tyler sitting funny picture.
Summer, 2003. I don’t remember the exact date.
My first apartment, Glen Cove, NY.
One summer weekend, on an otherwise normal, uneventful day, I happened to be walking into the living room from the bedroom, when…..I noticed….an extremely funny sight.
Tyler was sitting on my living room recliner in this exact pose:
Before I could even let out a chuckle, I grabbed my camera (an actual camera, with film!) and snapped this now famous shot before Tyler could move.
The rest, as they say, is history.
Since this was 2003, a year or so before Facebook was even invented, I couldn’t share this anywhere. I think friendster may have been around? Myspace? I don’t recall offhand. I did, however, email it to everyone I knew.
Since then, this photo has been my go-to pic to prove that, without a doubt, Tyler was the ultimate ham.
Do I know what he why he was in this strange pose? I have no idea.
Cleaning himself?
Pretending to hold a beer or the remote?
Or just felt like getting comfortable and laying this way.
I even tried to make it into a meme:
Never went viral though. Oh well. Your loss.
For Christmas, 2014, the first since his passing, I was given this painting of the photo as a gift:
Hard to realize that next month marks eight years since Tyler, my first and best cat, crossed the Rainbow Bridge.
I’d like to think that he’s in charge there, and likely spending a fair amount of time sitting in this very pose.